Dialect can manage all aspects of your customer support solution 365 days year
We offer a true omnichannel solution designed and built to meet the exacting needs of your customers; want to support customers across voice, chat and socials, no problem, or want to support across email and voice, we can support that too...complete personalisation!
The key benefits of the Dialect solution is it can easily flex and scale aligned to your business strategy, it takes days not weeks or months to create your CX solution that really benefits your customers. Scaling is easy too, we already have a range of language support inhouse so adding that second or third is quick and cost effective.
Voice support and IVR build (including automation) routing calls into our team of CX specialists who are available 24/7
Handle customers emails by routing them into the Dialect system for our team to manage on your behalf supporting effective and efficient response times
Have a WhatsApp number? Dialect can handle all conversations via our omnichannel solution seamlessly
Embed your fully branded chat widget into your website or application and let Dialect handle all interactions in up to 75 languages. We can build chat bots to support interactions or connect directly to our team of live agents
Dialect can handle your Facebook messages providing personalised, real-time support to your customers
At Dialect we can fully tailor the operating hours of your CX support including;
Or any combination you need! We are truly flexible
Our team is based in the UK and we currently support customers across the globe including the UK, Europe, and US.
Your customers will be supported by our CX specialists who are fully trained to deliver exceptional customer support and will always be an ambassador of your programme/product guiding customers through every step to resolve their queries.
We LOVE data! Sharing meaningful insight with our clients. We provide monthly MI sharing service levels, number of interactions, channels of interactions, durations, and drivers for interactions but we share more than just this. We also share enhanced MI that will help in turn shape your product offering gathering real time feedback from customers via NPS across different channels, reviewing sentiment, and trend analysis.
But why is this important? We can support you in reducing Average Handle Time (AHT), why are customers making contact and how that UX can be improved and support customer retention.
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with our very best solutions.
Looking for another solution? We offer a range of services to suit your CX needs
DIalect can support your cardholders 24/7 over voice and chat - click to find out more